Fonner Park


  • Work

    Website Creation

  • Objective

    Fonner Park was on a mission to revamp their website to be visually appealing, user-friendly, and streamlined. Their goal was to offer their visitors an exhilarating online experience with weekly updates and predictions for horse races that would keep them on the edge of their seats. This was not just about sprucing up their website but about creating a vibrant hub for horse racing locals who want to stay on top of the game.

  • Outcome

    Fonner Park was able to take control of their website and make significant improvements. They now have a website that boasts regularly updated content, relevant information, and engaging features, all catering to their visitors' needs. With Tally's help, they learned how to edit and manage their website, putting the power back into their own hands. As a result, they have seen increased traffic to their website and positive feedback from their visitors. Tally's assistance has allowed Fonner Park to achieve their objective of creating a top-notch website that is both user-friendly and informative.

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